Welcome to Wildcat Class Blog
This is the page that you can visit to keep updated on the children's learning. Make sure you come back each week to see the learning opportunities that the children have been taking part in.
Spring Term - week 6
This children have been learning about the artist Paul Klee. They have been experimenting with oil pastels to achieve colour and pattern. We investigated his style of work and shared our thoughts and feelings. We made thoughtful observations and selected ideas for our own work. Here is the colourful display we have created in our school library.
Spring Term - week 5
We have been carrying on with our bus stop method for division this week. In English, we have been writing a persuasive letter using alliteration, emotive language and rhetorical questions. In Science, we have been learning the names of, and identifying bones in the skeleton. In Geography, we were comparing the climate of the UK with the climate in the tropics!
Spring Term - week 4
This week we had the Dog's Trust come in to visit us. They gave us some great tips and advice on how to behave around dogs. The children came up with 'promises' on how they will follow this guidance. In Maths, we have been busy learning the bus stop method with remainders and in English we are learning different features of persuasive writing. In Science today, the children have been investigating the terms 'endoskeleton', 'exoskeleton' and hydrostatic skeleton.
Spring Term - week 3
This week we were really lucky to have the author Stephen Pass run a virtual workshop for us. It was really interesting to hear how he ended up writing his own book and where his inspiration came from. In Geography we have really enjoyed learning about the Arctic and Antarctic, the children's deep thinking and curiosity has been great to see. In Maths, it has been all about division and in English we are learning about the features of persuasive writing. In Science, we were classifying animals into groups by their diet.
Spring Term - Week 2
We had a great trip to the Fitzwilliam Museum this week. I am so proud of the way the children behaved and how they conducted themselves around the museum. Our museum guide was blown away with the children's knowledge of the Ancient Egyptians. In the morning we participated in an art activity whereby the children looked at Ancient Egyptian art and then painted their own on papyrus paper. The children created some beautiful artwork after learning how to mix the paint to the correct consistency and how to use different sized paint brushes. In the afternoon we explored the museum with our guide, who shared with us some really interesting facts. We all had a wonderful day learning!
Spring term - week 1
Welcome back! This week we have had a big focus on team work. In PE the children were faced with challenges they had to solve as a team. It was great to see the children really communicating with one another to complete the task. The children also worked as a team in science when investigating how humans and animals obtain their food - we had some wonderful discussions! We have started our new topic of "All Around the World" in Geography - we started this topic off by identifying the equator (and what it is) and the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Well done to Hadley for achieving the Head Teacher's award this week.
Autumn 2 week 7
We have had a wonderful last week of term. We loved celebrating Christmas with our Christmas lunch on Monday and had Father Christmas visit us on Thursday. In Maths we created a Christmas themed times table game which the children really enjoyed designing but enjoyed playing one another's games even more! Buddy the elf has kept us entertained with his antics. In DT we created a Christmas craft using levers, fixed and loose pins. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and we can't wait to see you all in January.
Autumn week 6
Wow what a week we have had! We have absolutely loved practising and performing our show. On top of the show, we have been reading and writing our own festive riddles, we designed our own magnetic game in science and have been having lots of fun learning our times tables. In English, we are busy writing non-chronological reports about Cleopatra. Buddy the elf has been causing mischief too!
Autumn 2 Week 5
We had a special visitor arrive this week - Buddy the elf! He arrived from the North Pole but he had no name. As a class, we came up with some names and we all voted on which one we wanted. Later, we created graphs using Excel spreadsheet to represent our voting. In Science we were learning about North and South poles on magnets and which ones attract and repel one another. In Maths this week it has been all about dividing and multiplying by 3 and 4. We enjoyed a few games of times table bingo. Congratulations to Liliana for receiving the Head teacher award for being a brilliant role model.
Autumn 2 week 4
Congratulations to Lily for receiving the Head Teacher award this week for being brave and ambitious! We had a lovely trip to Saffron Walden to watch the production of "The Robot and the Bluebird." The children really enjoyed seeing the instruments within the orchestra and joining in with some actions. In Maths we investigated the relationship between the 5 and 10 times tables by playing a game of snap. In Science we were testing the strength of magnets - which amazed the children! We finished our week with some calm drawings of Egyptian wall art.
Autumn 2 Week 3
Well done to Isaac for receiving the head teacher award today for always being so enthusiastic towards his learning and doing lots of extra learning at home. This week we started our multiplication and division unit. We have started the unit with looking at making equal groups. In Science, we have been exploring magnetic and non-magnetic objects. The children had a great time finding magnetic and non-magnetic objects in the class. In history, we were learning about pharaohs and the children enjoyed drawing Cleopatra.
Autumn 2 - Week 2
Well done to Archie for receiving the Headteacher award this week for his amazing explanation in Maths. In English, we have started to read 'Cinderella of the Nile'. In History, we made our own canopic jars. In Science, we carried out an investigation on friction. The children planned their investigation - taking into consideration what we were measuring and how we would keep the investigation fair. Before the task, the children predicted which material would provide the most friction and then reviewed our predictions after to see if we were correct or not. We made a beautiful display using the poppy pictures we created last week.
Autumn 2 - Week 1
We have had a great first week back after the half term holiday. We have been busy mummifying tomatoes, learning to add and subtract across 10 and 100, investigating forces in Science and we finished our week by making beautiful Poppy pictures.
Autumn Week 7
This week, we were very lucky to have the Rabbi from the Harlow Synagogue visit us in our classroom. She described how the Jewish community celebrate Bat/Bar Mitzvah and showed the children some of her beautiful traditional clothes. The children asked her lots of wonderful questions!
Autumn Week 6
This week we have been learning lots about ancient Egyptian tombs. In History, we discovered what would be placed inside a pharaoh's tomb and then made our own. Congratulations to Jett for receiving the Headteacher's award for creating a wonderful Egyptian tomb. In English, we started writing our own story - imagining we were transported to Tutankhamun's tomb. In art, we experimented with mixing colours and using different brush strokes to create our own Egyptian artwork.
Autumn Week 5
It was great to meet so many of you this week at parents' evening. The children have been working incredibly hard on their portal stories. They are in the process of creating their own class book with all the stories inside. We had lots of fun during our hockey lesson this week. The children were put into teams and played one another. In maths we have been learning to add 10s crossing 100. The children have shown great perseverance with this - as it was a little tricky! We ended the week with a science investigation. The children were measuring the size and position of their shadows at different times of the day. They were all really surprised to see the difference!
Autumn Week 4
Thank you to all who were able to attend the Harvest Festival today. The children absolutely loved performing their songs to an audience! This week the children have been busy writing their own stories (more of this to come in next week's blog). In Science this week, we have been investigating shadows. We have discovered how to make a shadow and what factors effect it. We then had lots of fun drawing around different shadows that we could make.
Autumn Week 3
In Maths this week we have been learning to add hundreds, tens and ones to a three digit number. In English, we have been learning all about similes, prepositions and alliteration. We had some excellent examples of alliteration in our descriptive poems. We ended our week by sketching our profiles and turning ourselves into Ancient Egyptians - the children loved investigating the headdresses. Thank you all for your hard work with the homework, we have been blown away with what the children have created! Congratulations to Isla for receiving the headteacher award for her excellent attitude and wonderful writing.
Autumn Week 2
We have had such a busy week in year 3. With the lovely weather, we have taken our learning outside in maths and science. We used chalk to draw numbers lines to 1000 and in science we explored how light is reflected. We learnt why the River Nile was so important to the Ancient Eqyptians and started to create our own Egyptian art work using the papyrus paper we made last week. Congratulations to Jaxson for receiving the headteacher's award this week for his excellent can do attitude to learning.
Autumn week 1
We have had a great week investigating the Egyptians. We have discovered what papyrus paper is and made our own! Congratulations to Nathanial for settling in so well in class and being awarded the Headteacher award this week.