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  3. Year 6 - Falcon and Kite
  4. Blog - Kite Class

Welcome to Kite Class Blog

This is the page that you can visit to keep  updated on the children's learning. Make sure you come back each week to see the learning opportunities that the children have been taking part in.

Spring 1 week 3 - w/c 20th January 2025

Congratulations to Bianca this week - she is becoming much more confident in participating and contributing in class discussions.  

We are enjoying learning the rules and positions of netball and we had a great game on Friday afternoon.  In science, we were exploring the journey of light using torches and mirrors.

Spring 1 week 2 - w/c 13th January 2025

This week saw the start of Year 6 learning our dance routine for the Uttlesford Schools Dance Festival.  In maths we moved onto more fractions and in English we have been writing mythical beast spine poems.  In science, we have been learning about light. We have studied the eye and are learning about how we see.

Congratulations to Jacob for his consistent positive attitude towards his learning!  Well deserved Head Teachers Award - keep it up Jacob!

Spring 1 Week 1 - w/c 6th January 2025

Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all!  We have started the new year with gusto and have embarked enthusiastically into our new topic on Ancient Greece.  We have already looked at the myth of Pandora's Box and have written poetry inspired by the myth.  In maths we have completed our 'measure' unit and the children have been busy with a variety of conversions!  Despite the cold weather, we started our Netball unit on Friday and we are seeing some promising players!

Congratulations to Austin for the Head Teacher's Award which he earned for his hard work and determination while working on his poetry!  Congratulations Austin - keep it up!!

Autumn 2 Week 8 - w/c 16th December 2024

What a lovely end to the autumn term.  Christmas truly arrived at Roseacres with our fabulous KS2 concert, a visit from Father Christmas and a delicious Christmas lunch.  Congratulations to KS2 for the Christmas concert - it was magical.  Special thanks to the House Captains (Ivy, Ethan, Phyllis and Romeo) for leading us through the concert and also to Phyllis, Ethan and Amelie G for their spectacular musical recitals.

We wish you all a lovely Christmas break and a Happy New Year.

Autumn 2 Week 6 - w/c 2nd December 2024

We completed our science investigation this week.  We took our resting heart rate (eventually after finding our pulse!) and then took our heart rate again after 1-2-3 and 4 minutes of exercise.  We were all exhausted!

We have been practising our Christmas songs for our Christmas concert and Year 6 are sounding fabulous!  For those of you coming to see the concert, you are in for a treat!

In RE we were reflecting on how different religions promote peace and/or cause conflict.

Congratulations to Felix for a great week of maths, writing and singing.  He was the proud recipient of the Head Teacher's award.

Autumn 2 Week 5 - w/c 25th November 2024

Assessment week this week!  The children have worked hard in their assessments and have been reward with significant progress - well done to all!

In history, we continued our work with Dulce et decorum est... and the children recited the poem as a class - each group taking on a different stanza.  The children enjoyed the poem and showed a great understanding of its message.

It was the last swimming session for Year 6 this week and the children concentrated on their water safety - all showing good strength when swimming in their clothes.

Congratulations to Alex for achieving the Head Teacher's award this week.

Autumn 2 Week 4 - w/c 18th November 2024

Congratulations to Oakley for the Head Teacher's Award this week.  He has been an excellent learning partner and has really shown some deep thinking.  Well done!

In science the children started to plan an investigation into heart rate.  In maths we are learning to add and subtract fractions and in English we have been writing a newspaper report.  In history we have been looking at the poem Dulce et Decorum est.  Thank you to Ethan's family for sending in some fabulous photos and documents relating to his ancestors' roles in WW1.

In Science, we have been planning an investigation to answer the question, 'How does the duration of exercise affect our heart rate?'

Autumn 2 Week 2 - w/c 11th November 2024

What a wonderful start to the week.  Year 6 led the school in a Remembrance Assembly.  They shared their writing about WW1, they showed empathy with the soldiers by writing letters from the trenches and they performed a recital of the war poem In Flander's Field by John McCrae.

Congratulations to Vinnie for receiving the Head Teachers Award this week.  He has shown a fabulous attitude to work all week.  Well done Vinnie.

Autumn 2 Week 1 - w/c 4th November 2024

Back to school after a lovely half term break.  Well done to those who entered the Pumpkin drawing competition.  On Tuesday we put our sewing skills to work and made poppies to wear for Remembrance of all soldiers who have died in conflicts since WW1.

We have started fractions in Maths and we're study the War poem Flander's Field in English.  

Well done to Amelie G who received the Head Teacher's award for her hard work, fabulous attitude and great sewing skills this week.

Week 8 Autumn Term - w/c 21st October 2024

An exciting week in Science this week - we dissected and explored pigs hearts.  Warning - the pictures are not for the faint hearted!!

Congratulations to Gracie for receiving the Head Teacher's award this week.  She wrote a moving letter from the WW1 trenches.  Well done Gracie!

Week 6 Autumn Term - w/c 7th October 2024

We have had an exciting week of WW1 this week.  We have been writing our Flashback in English which the children have thoroughly enjoyed.  On Wednesday in history, we explored the challenges of the trenches and researched trench foot,, rats, lice, shellshock and explosions resulting from mining.  We were lucky enough to see and handle a rifle  - a Lee Enfield - which was a weapon used in WW1.  Thanks to Mr Wilton for bringing the rifle in and talking to us about it!  All the children were enthralled!

We had a double treat on Wednesday with a visit from Declan Brooks - a British Olympic bronze medal winner in Freestyle BMX.  He amazed the children with stories of his success and overcoming challenges to build his resilience.  He also demonstrated his tricks and allowed the children to handle and try on his Olympic medal.  It was an inspiring visit.

Congratulations to Archie and Sienna who were proud recipients of the Headteachers award for their excellent effort and engagement in learning.  Well done to you both!

Week 5 Autumn Term - w/c 30th September 2024

What a wonderful Harvest Festival we celebrated in Holy Trinity Church.  Thank you to Reverend Colin, the House Captains and Deputy House Captains for leading us through the service and reading the Harvest poems so clearly. 

Week 4 Autumn Term - w/c 23rd September 2024

In science this week, we explored the anatomy of the heart and we made and labelled our own play dough hearts.  We visited our Kite Class WW1 museum in history where we studied artefacts to learn more about the war.  We learned about the uniforms (how uncomfortable they were!), Dead Man's Penny, periscopes and medals.  It was a great afternoon of being history detectives.

We continued our writing about WW1 in English and developed our knowledge of addition and subtraction in maths.

Congratulations to Ivy for Head Teachers award.  She is a great role model in the class and has a strong sense of self.  Well done Ivy.

Week 3 Autumn Term - w/c 16th September 2024

Congratulations to Durmus this week.  He has had a great week improving his learning by asking inciteful questions and deepening his understanding.  A thoroughly deserved Headteacher's Award - well done!

We have had a busy week being historians, scientists, mathematicians and authors!  In science, we explored the journey of a red blood cell and acted out the journey in the playground.  In history, we have been learning about the triggers of the First World War.  In Maths we completed our unit on place value and as authors we started our Flashback writing.

In preparation for Harvest Festival in a couple of weeks, we have been learning our Year 6 song - All Things Bright and Beautiful.  We are looking forward to inviting our Year 6 parents to the church.

Week 2 Autumn Term  - w/c 9th September 2024

Congratulations to Daisy-Mai for the Headteacher's Award this week.  She has been a fabulous role model and shown excellent active listening skills and great focus.

We have started cricket this week and the children are showing promising skills!  In maths we are continuing our place value unit and in English we completed our WW1 Poetry unit.

In Science, we have been studying the components and functions of blood - building our own blood with yellow food dye (plasma), cheerios soaked in red dye (red blood cells), white mini marshmallows (white blood cells) and glitter (platelets).

Week 1 Autumn Term - w/c 2nd September 2024

Welcome to Year 6!  We have all enjoyed our first week and the new Kite Class have settled in well.  It's been a busy week - writing Odes, measuring ourselves (to record how much we grow between now and July next year) and embarking on our Pop Art project.  We have also started our science unit - revisiting our bodies' systems before introducing the circulatory system next week.  We were also inspired by Henry to explore how we could make a raw egg 'bounce'!  Results to be revealed next week!

Congratulations to Billy P who was deservedly awarded the Headteacher's award this week.  He has had a cracking week and risen to the challenge of year 6 work already - with a fabulous attitude and focus!  Well done Billy - keep up the good work!